22 Miles, 3 Hours of Sleep and 2,456 Pints of Guinness in 48 Hours.

Dublin. A city full of cobblestone streets, beautiful bridges, endless pints of Guinness and a whole lot of people. Attempting to conquer all of these elements in less than 48 hours was probably a little too ambitious but if it meant seeing one of my best friends then anything felt possible. I had been looking …

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21 Years, 9 months and 2 days.

I once read that moving abroad was an incredibly selfish act and I never really understood it. How could it be selfish? You're moving out of everyones way as they continue on with life and you go on an incredibly scary (but hopefully rewarding) adventure. Of course that opinion changed as I was hugging my …

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Deduct 32, Multiply by .5556

Culture Shock (noun)- The feeling of disorientation experienced by someone when they are suddenly subjected to a unfamiliar culture, way of life or set of attitudes. Symptoms can include- excessive sleeping, increase in appetite, anxiety and withdrawal. When someone brought up that my excessive sleeping may be a result of culture shock, I laughed. There …

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In a Relationship… With Social Media? (Blog for CD 413)

Social Media has truly changed the definition of "relationship" in the 21st century. There is a whole new set of criteria/guidelines that follow along with modern relationships like posting pictures together, becoming best friends on SnapChat, and the most important one of course, becoming "Facebook Official".  Social media has not only created a change toward …

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There’s An App For That (Blog for CD 413)

Education and Technology... A combination that is truly a result of the technology revolution. It should be every parents dream come true, it's finally the opportunity to not feel that ping of guilt when you allow your child to be babysat by technology while you take that much needed shower or get that 10 minutes …

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