Deduct 32, Multiply by .5556

Culture Shock (noun)- The feeling of disorientation experienced by someone when they are suddenly subjected to a unfamiliar culture, way of life or set of attitudes. Symptoms can include- excessive sleeping, increase in appetite, anxiety and withdrawal.

When someone brought up that my excessive sleeping may be a result of culture shock, I laughed. There was no way,  I moved to an English speaking county where I have ancestors dating back to the dawn of time. Sure things were quite different and I was averaging 9 hours of sleep per night (something I have not done since I was probably 7 years old) and had the inability to feel full after a meal. But culture shock? Me? No way.

Yes, the way of life is quite different here than what I am accustomed to back in the states. I don’t think I will ever get used to people driving on the left hand side of the road and I will ALWAYS look the wrong way when crossing the street. As well as always walk to the wrong side of the car. Not to mention I will probably never actually fully understand what bus drivers are saying to me or why it doesn’t get dark out until 10:30 pm. Or why bacon is called rashers or why their bacon is actually just ham. Or why French fries are actually “chips” and chips are actually “crisps”. Or why no meal is complete unless there is a potato somehow incorporated (I ain’t complaining though). Or why people consistently walk up to me and ask “is it true in America that…?” or “so what’s your opinion on Donald Trump?”. Or that Hurling and Gaelic Football are treated like the NFL or the NBA (when in all reality I have no idea what is going on). Or why Irish Netflix has over 5,000 less available streaming options than America (and yes… Netflix will be receiving my strongly worded email soon). Or why there are 18 year olds drinking in pubs. And how does Guinness tastes so much better? Or that you can order half-pints of beer. Or the fact that there is live music at every corner no matter what time or hour. Or why people wear shorts and t shirts when its pouring rain outside and a brisk 65 degrees. Oh and why must America literally be the only country that doesn’t use the metric system? Nothing ruins a story more than when you have to mentally convert mid-sentence.  Or why it will go from pouring rain to sunshine with in seconds? Or why the ice cream literally tastes like sweet heaven in a cone (or in a McFlurry version.. Shout out to foreign McDonalds for being the Or how people continue to greet you with a smile despite the fact your RBF (resting bitch face) is on hard and strong. Or how public transportation is so easy, clean and convenient. Or how there are walking paths anywhere and everywhere. Or how everyone describes food as “lovely” falsely making you believe that 99 cent pack of ramen you just bought was suit for a queen. Or how easy it is to strike up a conversation with people. Or how welcoming everyone is to tourists. And why haven’t I come across one person who hasn’t taken their bad day out on me? Or how people are genuinely interested in your life. Or how taxi drivers and bartenders are somehow always the nicest people ever. Or simply, how all Irish people are the kindest   people in the world… OH and most importantly- Crack (Craic) means “fun”. People aren’t just casually suggesting I do some crack at Blarney Castle…

Sooo uhh right, no culture shock for me…


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